Toll Free 1.866.257.3007

A Medical Triaging Service AND a Telephone Answering Service
All Combined into One Single Service for Your Convenience.

Your Patient's Welfare is Our Top Priority

Experienced Nurses: Satisfied Patients.

MDTriage is an answering service, like no other as it offers the ability to advise medical and nursing care directly to the patients without the need to involve the on-call physician over 90% of the time. We have experienced Medical Assistants to answer the calls, listen to the patient's concerns and then appropriately triage the patients to our on-call RNs and Nurse Practitioners.

Our nurses' have at least three years of post-graduate experience and by using the physician's pre-approved protocols result in over 90% of the calls being handled entirely by the team. We have over 23 years of experience with NO malpractice suits. This is an extraordinary record.

In the News

MD Triage: 26 Years of Reducing Physician Burnout and Enhancing Patient Care Through Expert After-Hours Support.

All calls are recorded and the physician can listen to, or read the conversation by a fax which is sent out each morning following the call day/night.

In essence, we are an answering service AND a treating/triage organization, in one entity.

Currently we are servicing major health organizations including universities across the US, with over 500 hundred doctors in our system. And we are growing.

Specialty coverage includes Obstetrics and Gynecology, Family Practice, Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Urology and Pediatrics. Additional specialties are being considered.

SOAP allows MDTriage nurses and midlevel practitioners to effectively and efficiently:

  • Collect and analyze critical patient information
  • Utilize the company's proprietary, physician-specific and symptom-specific protocols to care for the patient
  • Electronically transmit the information and reports to the physician via our secure website
  • Identify the systematic follow-up and tracking process for each patient
  • Provide a documented permanent addition to the patient's medical record
  • Permanently store all pertinent data for nurse training, physician review, and malpractice carrier review

About Us

The Company Behind the Logo

MDTriage was founded in 1998 by an experienced Women's Health Care Nurse Practitioner who was convinced that there was a solution for after-hours patient care and communication. The company initially faxed handwritten patient reports to a six-doctor Obstetrics & Gynecology group in Reno, Nevada. Since then, MDTriage has grown steadily to become a regional organization servicing over 500 physicians in Nevada, Arizona, and California. Our services are currently being expanded across the US.

In addition to Obstetrics and Gynecology, other medical specialties include Perinatal Medicine, Family Practice, and Internal Medicine.

By using MDTriage, a physician can off-load the specialized duties of answering calls at night, or on weekends, and trying to perform at the highest standards of care. When MDTriage personnel take off-hour calls, the licensed professionals are the only practitioners taking responsibility for the patient's needs.


A Decision that Makes Good Business Sense

MDTriage charges the physician a nominal fee for a per hour service. MDTriage nurses and nurse practitioners are available Monday through Friday from 5:00 PM-9:00 AM, as well as all weekends and holidays. These "free hours" for physicians total approximately 550 to 575 hours per month. If physicians are in need of business hours coverage, that is also available at an increased fee per hour.

Specialized, Doctor-Approved Protocols Let You Manage Patient Interactions

Worried About Physician Fatigue

Throughout the country, physician conferences are targeting the problem of physician fatigue caused by hours that are too long and by the inability of doctors to effectively escape the constant pressures inherent in the profession. Numerous studies have questioned the affect that lack of rest has on the outcome of the 7:00 am surgery or on decisions made during the 8:00 am rounds.

Take Charge of Your Time Without Compromising Patient Care

Compromising Patient Care traditional “on call" solutions such as trading call nights eliminate calls on off-nights but the doctor is often slammed with calls during the on-call nights, adding significantly to post-call fatigue. In some offices, nurses take night calls, but next day fatigue affects them as well. And, because nurses are prohibited from both diagnosing diseases and prescribing medications, the physician continues to receive a high percentage of night calls.

Why MDTriage?

We Protect the Physicians. No Malpractice Lawsuits.

Currently, nationwide more than 250,000 physicians use traditional non-medical answering services to provide night, weekend, and holiday patient call support. But these services do little more than delay physician callback. The burden of responding to each call incident still rests squarely with the physician. MDTriage's protocol-based after-hours call procedures provide continuity and consistency for the patient, a high degree of call relief for the doctor, and enhanced levels of protection for both patient and physician.


  • All calls answered by medical professionals
  • Provides patient with immediate assistance (within 15-30 minutes)
  • Up to 90% reduction in calls handled by doctor
  • Clinical documentation, integrated telephony, paging, electronic reporting, and e-mail
  • Decreased potential for malpractice cases

Traditional Answering Service

  • No professional clinical support
  • Low level of patient satisfaction
  • No true physician relief
  • No clinical documentation, integration, or electronic patient record accuracy
  • Potential for malpractice actions high


Allows us a more reasonable time when on call.

Katherine Gregory, MD

San Francisco, California

I was extremely pleased with this service.

Michael Foley, MD

Phoenix, Arizona

An improvement in my lifestyle. Patients no longer have to wait for long periods.

Terrence McGaw, MD

Reno, Nevada

An outstanding group of professionals. You, for us. Patient satisfaction is excellent.

Terrence McGaw, MD

Reno, Nevada

This service has been a Godsend and MedTriage has reduced our calls by 90%

Terrence McGaw, MD

Reno, Nevada